I play on Ultra-Violence, and you play checkers. She/her.

Joan Marie @JtR666

Age 35

Marketing Assistant

Guipuzcoa, SPAIN

Joined on 8/12/03

Exp Points:
1,594 / 1,600
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.46 votes
Portal Security
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
10m 13d

JtR666's News

Posted by JtR666 - August 25th, 2024

Hey there... I am in the middle of a financial struggle right now, it will help if you'd pledge at becomeagoon.today for at least 5€+



Reason why is I got a hefty loan debt and I need to cover it pronto, so please signal boost as much as you can about this!



Posted by JtR666 - April 2nd, 2020

Boys... we need your HELP RIGHT NOW!

There's a new game I'm developing right now called HAMSTER GAME. You guys might have heard about it from the betas I've been sharing on NG for a while now, but it's got a Kickstarter page. Because I'm planning to do a Steam release of the game with a full-on banger soundtrack from Sigurd Jøhnk-Jensen (Killing Floor 2).


HAMSTER GAME is a top-down roguelike hardcore shooter with crumbs from The Binding of Isaac, Hotline Miami and 90’s gaming, featuring the US Marine who is gonna save the world from the demons who have fully integrated into society but are secretly planning a demonic invasion. Only you the marine will stop them from their tracks and kill El Diablo, the chief of their operations, alongside some other nasty demonic foes.

Play 6 to 9 levels of demon madness in this permadeath experience, die a lot, but more especially, turn insane over killing demons with an assortment of weapons and stat-booster powerups. Also featuring: 2 player deathmatch multiplayer, specialized in short-burst duels of less than 1 minute that you can even play at the office. Old-school style.

Plus: this game isn’t about hamsters. Or is it?

Fund the Kickstarter now to save the world from demons. You’ll find tiers such as a HAMSTER GAME t-shirt, digital copies of the game, and FREE PIZZA, with which you’ll be able to enjoy the game on release date 90’s style.



Posted by JtR666 - August 14th, 2019

So a while ago, my Newgrounds account has been hacked by someone hired by some Mixer streamer who's constantly in this harassment attack against me along with some raid discord. You can find the full story here:

I fully recovered it thanks to the help of Tom Fulp (shoutout to Tom Fulp as well) and now I think I'll use it on my advantage for a lil bit more.


Posted by JtR666 - December 6th, 2018

Since Tumblr is no use I think I might upload my JUNK in here, we'll see if it works out real well.

Posted by JtR666 - January 20th, 2009

Now I put ads in my Flash.
I just hope I earn something for it. It'll be fine I guess. So, if you see an ad in my Flash movies, be sure to at least click it. I'll thank you for your efforts.

Posted by JtR666 - January 19th, 2009

What's the matter with me? I looked in my user page and saw some spam in my profile. Seriously, don't you people have anything better to do?

Posted by JtR666 - January 18th, 2009

Yes, I know, I should make Flash I should get done, but really, is that really necessary?
Anyways, I'm back to NG. Guess I'll post some music in the Audio Portal (first time there) until I get something done in Flash. Flash is not my hobby, for now.

Posted by JtR666 - August 29th, 2007

A little of progress from Nerd Revolución Episode 1. This is John, and it's on the beginning on the movie, so stay calm.

Look what I have...

Posted by JtR666 - August 26th, 2007

Okay, so I'm actually starting a flash for this, so I may update this profile as you see, with all the new NG features. Have patience, I'll soon post any screens of my future flash works!